The workshop

from Chaos to Eros – Weekend workshops


In the midst of unprecedented global challenges, our priorities often shift, leaving us neglecting the one essential element that anchors us: ourselves.


"The erotic is a resource within each of us that lies in a deeply female and spiritual plane, firmly rooted in the power of our unexpressed or unrecognized feeling." – Audre Lorde


It is this inherent power that I am here to guide you in harnessing.


Introducing "From Chaos to Eros," a transformative personal development program crafted by yours truly. This program is meticulously designed to assist you in reclaiming the profound erotic energy within you.


Throughout your journey from Chaos to Eros, you'll uncover and dismantle patterns that have hindered your ability to experience profound pleasure. You'll acquire new tools and insights as you traverse the path towards ecstasy.


This journey unfolds within a nurturing and confidential environment, allowing you the freedom to progress at your own pace. Additionally, personalized 1:1 follow-up sessions are available should you require further support.


Meet your guide, Lexie Koren, MA Psychotherapist, a dedicated sex-positive and body-positive sexologist. Lexie's approach celebrates all consensual sexual expressions as inherently healthy and pleasurable, fostering a non-judgmental stance towards sexual and relational diversity.


For optimal benefits, we recommend participating in small, intimate groups of no more than 10 individuals at a time. Ideally, the program sessions are held from 10 am to 4 pm on weekends, providing ample time for deep exploration and connection.


Within this cocoon of safety, participants engage in various art-based and movement exercises, fostering a rich atmosphere for the exploration of the erotic. It's essential to emphasize that physical contact with other members is not required, and everyone maintains their attire throughout. Our sessions integrate art materials and movement practices to facilitate personal exploration and growth.


One common misconception about sexology is the assumption of physical touch or nudity among participants. Rest assured, our focus is on harnessing internal power, providing you with the tools to explore your own journey at your own pace, whether alone or with partners. We empower you to embrace your erotic nature authentically.


Join us on this transformative journey from Chaos to Eros, where you'll rediscover the depth of pleasure and empowerment that resides within you.